A (Love) Letter from our Owner

A (Love) Letter from our Owner
So, it’s been about seven months since COVID shook up the world.
During that time, I’ve chatted with many of you and heard your stories about what COVID has meant to you and how it has changed your lives; I’ve heard both the heartbreaking and the uplifting. From job changes, or family dynamic shifts (that resulted in almost all of my momma-bear clients having some of the most challenging times of their lives), to profound realizations for personal change, I’ve both laughed and cried in my treatment room.
Yet somehow, through the laughter and tears, there seems to be an overwhelming amount of positive light that has shone through. Of course, difficult choices have had to be made, and varied emotions and unique stressors have had to be overcome, but all in all, I’ve seen plenty of light and love.
I’ve also felt tremendous love and support from clients when asked, “How has this impacted your business?” To be honest with you, there have been some wonderfully positive shifts that have taken place, and some very difficult parts as well.
Here’s what’s actually been going on with us at the spa the last few months:
In May, when we reopened, we were scared. Scared that we might get sick, get our families or clients sick, and perhaps inevitably lose our jobs. There were a lot of unknowns, but we decided on day one that we were going to face this head on, with honesty, integrity and unity.
We agreed that every decision we made was going to have to be 100% unanimous amongst all staff. We were all equal in our fears and concerns. We made a very tough choice to turn away our usual summer tourists in the best interest of our collective health, and our local community’s health. We augmented our decisions as time went on, and we stood strong in our screening policies, knowing, like many of our local Salmon Arm businesses, it would be difficult to bear the loss of those much-needed tourist dollars.
But you know what? YOU all showed up in spades. YOU all came in and filled our columns, recommend us to your friends, purchased gift cards, and bought retail items. YOU kept our doors open, our bills paid and ensured very single one of our team remained fully employed. I cannot thank you enough for trusting us to be your personal service provider. Thank you for being understanding when we had to explain our new policies. Thank you for being patient. We ALL appreciate your support.
I hope you’re staying healthy and happy these days, my friends. Until we see you next time, we’re sending you a big virtual hug.
With enormous gratitude,